Narratives: The power of how we story experience

Hands catching a balloon

Beware ‘poor you’

27 October, 2020

I remember, years ago, working with a boy and his foster carers. After 10 years living together, the foster carers had reluctantly come to the conclusion that they could no longer provide a home for the boy. They told me that it just didn’t seem to be working any more. They had started to believe […]

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Mother and children

Lies, damned lies, and stories of self sacrifice

8 June, 2020

Alongside the substantial hardships, it seems to us that many people have been noticing some unanticipated benefits of the radical changes that our current collective lockdown has involved. In my own family, something really lovely has arisen during these strange times, for which I am very grateful. Like many other parents, my partner and I […]

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