Clinical supervision with a colleague the other day began with me asking her what she would like to focus on for the session. ‘Sarah’ replied: ‘Well, I’ve had such a great week off on leave last week, and I feel so calm and peaceful, I’m in a really good place to do my work. So […]
Read 'Want to win? Then consider surrender' >Meeting with a parent the other day, we were asked for help with a child’s behaviour. This Mum described her child as extremely picky about what happened at home, when it happened and how it was done. If the toast wasn’t buttered correctly, the child couldn’t be consoled. If a friend said the wrong thing, […]
Read 'Treasure hunting' >How time can fly. This month marks a year since we began to write the MyST blog in 2020. When we noticed this anniversary arriving recently, we found ourselves in two minds about whether to note it. This dilemma had us thinking about a workshop a few months back when we joined with some colleagues […]
Read 'Happy birthday!' >In our offices the other day, a young woman reflected upon her life. ‘I was born into drugs’ she said, explaining the logic, as it appeared to her, of why she feels compelled to use. It’s true that her parents used drugs throughout her life, leading to her growing up in foster care and children’s […]
Read 'I’ll do it my way' >Some time ago, and thanks to a few staff changes at MyST, some team members were moving from their established clinical supervisor to a new clinical supervisor within our service. In readiness for this transition, the supervisees along with the ‘old’ and ‘new’ supervisors reviewed how they had been finding clinical supervision, and what they […]
Read 'Relationships bear the fruit' >Our MyST teams each sit together in their shared office space, and this way, we are inclined to tune in to how things are feeling for one another. One of the benefits of an analogue world you might say. In the office recently, I had been noticing strong emotions being expressed in relation to a […]
Read 'Listening to our hearts…' >Each week, the two of us meet together as a leadership pair to share information, explore challenges and agree ways forward. As well as helping us to make decisions, our weekly exchanges also help us to stand back and take a meta-perspective, to see the bigger picture, to notice themes. During one such meeting recently, […]
Read '‘What’ and ‘How’…' >The other day at MyST, in one of our regular team reflective practice sessions, we got to thinking about the endings of our work with children and families. A number of our pieces of work with children were coming to an end, and it seemed useful to think together about endings as a theme.The discussion […]
Read 'Learning to end' >#WorldBookDay we thought we would share a few books with you today how our team members were inspired to be who they are today and helping young people every day…
Read 'World Book Day' >That Martini thing… When I was about 12, I went to a friend’s house party and got drunk for the first time. I very quickly drank what seemed like a whole bottle of Martini (it was the 80s), and spent the next six hours throwing up into the kitchen sink until my parents fetched me […]
Read 'That Martini thing' >